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Ultimate Resource Guide + FAQ: How to Engage Parents Around the 2020 Census

You probably know that census participation is important. You already heard that it will help relieve overcrowded classrooms, repair rundown libraries, and increase affordable housing. But how do you communicate the importance to the families and parents in your community?

We’ve compiled a rich list of resources, FAQs, and links that will help family-serving organizations like yours reach into your community and spread the urgent call to action. 

Ultimate Census Resource Guide

Correcting Misconceptions

What is the census? 

The census is a national survey that happens once every 10 years. It helps determine how federal funding is given to programs. It also helps communities understand how they should spend funds, like building more schools and hospitals, fixing roads, and paying for important programs. 

Dispelling the myths:

  • The 2020 Census is easy. 
  • The questions are simple. 
  • There is no citizenship question
  • Your responses are safe.
  • Responses are confidential and protected by law.
  • The census matters for our children
    • Children and families utilize hundreds of federally-funded programs like Head Start, CHIP, and Medicare.
  • The money that funds these programs is allocated based on how many people are counted in the census. 
    • Funding for these programs and resources will be reduced or end if there is an undercount in our community. We must show that we still need these resources. Be counted and help us ensure that the next generation receives the community resources, programs, and infrastructure it deserves.

Download the one-pager FAQ

Download the postcard

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Frequently Asked Questions:


How to Take Action

What do families need to do?

  • Fill out your census form this spring. You can fill it out online or by phone in 13 different languages starting March 12th, or fill out a paper form that will be mailed to you in April.
  • Count everyone living in your household on your census form. This includes babies, children, and anyone who is living and sleeping there most of the time, even if they are not related to you. 
  • Encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to do the same.



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Why it Matters

Why is the Census so important?

In 2010, at least 400,000 young Latino children between the ages of 0 and 4 were left uncounted in the United States. Because of that undercount, those children missed out on hundreds of millions of dollars worth of programs and infrastructure development that would have impacted their lives. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again. 

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