Virtual Practices on Outreach, Recruitment and Retention | Prácticas Virtuales sobre Alcance, Reclutamiento y Retención

Daisy Catenada

 Virtual Practices on Outreach, Recruitment, and Retention Background: Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors is the first evidence-based program developed by and for Latino parents with children ages 0-5 – and adopted by diverse communities across the country. The program helps build parent leadership skills and knowledge to promote family wellbeing and positive outcomes for children by honoring family experiences, history and knowledge and …

Virtual Learning Facilitation Tips & Strategies | Consejos y Estrategias de Facilitación del Aprendizaje Virtual

Daisy Catenada

Virtual Learning Facilitation Tips & Strategies   Background: Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors is the first evidence-based program developed by and for Latino parents with children ages 0-5 – and adopted by diverse communities across the country. The program helps build parent leadership skills and knowledge to promote family wellbeing and positive outcomes for children by honoring family experiences, history and knowledge …

Facilitating the AP/OD Program Virtually: Model Session, Implementation Guides & PowerPoints

Daisy Catenada

This course provides facilitators with access to tools and resources to implement the program virtually. This includes a recorded video of model session facilitated virtually, PowerPoint presentations and Session Guides. This content is available in English and Spanish for Sessions 1-10 and the Introduction booklet. Facilitators will also have access to a reflection handout (optional to use) to assess their …