- Growing Healthy Readers: Taking Action to Support the Health Determinants of Early School Success The Growing Healthy Readers series was developed by the Campaign’s Healthy Readers team and will help community- and state-level coalitions determine how to take action on priority issues that affect children’s health and learning.
- How Families Promote Early Literacy is a helpful infographic created by the Global Family Research Center showing seven researched based ways families can promote literacy. Cómo las familias promoven el aprendizaje de lenguaje en sus hijo de temprana edad.
- MyPlate illustrates the five food groups that are the building blocks for a healthy diet using a familiar image—a place setting for a meal. Before you eat, think about what goes on your plate or in your cup or bowl. Mi Plato En Espanol
- NBC News Education Nation Parent's Guide to Social and Emotional Development is a comprehensive piece that details how parents can work on their own social skills.
- Attendance Works and The Campaign for Grade Level Reading - Attendance in the Early Grades: Why it Matters for Reading
- Attendance Works Help Your Child Succeed in School: Build the Habit of Good Attendance Early Attendance Works En Espanol
- Ask parents about the importance of school attendance in the early grades, and they can tell you why showing up every day matters. They can also share their very real challenges in getting children to school. Bringing Attendance Home, a new video from Attendance Works features parents talking to other parents about reducing absenteeism. Filmed in schools across the country, the video offers tips for parents and schools to improve student attendance. The video is perfect for a back-to-school night or parent summit. Download the video, and a guide and PowerPoint for leading discussions here.
- Ed Trust’s Education Watch State Reports provide key data on educational achievement and attainment for all groups of students in each state. Each state’s page uses the best available data on critical measures of educational opportunity and achievement to help you understand how your state is doing when it comes to improving opportunities and outcomes for all students.
- California School Dashboard. The Dashboard is a new website that shows how local educational agencies and schools are performing on the indicators included in California’s new school accountability system. The Dashboard is the next step in a series of major shifts in California K-12 schools, changes that have raised the bar for student learning, transformed testing and placed the focus on equity for all students. Users can search to see the reports for any local educational agency or school. It is made up of easy-to-use reports that show local educational agency or school performance on six state indicators and four local indicators.
- California - 10 Questions to Ask Your School District about Fair School Funding / 10 Preguntas Para Hacerle A Su Distrito Escolar Sobre LCFF in English and Spanish
- Colorín Colorado is a free web-based service that provides information, activities and advice for educators and Spanish-speaking families of English language learners (ELLs). Colorín Colorado En Espanol
- Common Sense Latino offers practical advice and videos for parents in Spanish, with topics including how to support kids’ digital learning, tips for using media and tech to support school goals and to stay connected with family, Latino role models in media and tech, and much more.
- The Common Sense Census. Media Use by Kids Age Zero to Eight 2017 reveals how young children's behaviors have changed now that mobile apps, streaming media, and online video have become a part of families' daily lives. We found that 98% of 0- to 8-year-olds now live in homes with mobile devices, and the amount of time they spend on mobile devices has tripled since 2013.
- First 5 California - 90% of a Child's Brain Develops in the First 5 Years of Life
- First 5 California Kit for New Parents. Available free of charge in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese, the Kit puts crucial information and resources at the fingertips of first-time parents, grandparents, and caregivers.
- 2017 KIDS COUNT Data Book. State Trends in Child Well-Being KIDS COUNT is a project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation and a premier source of data on children and families. The comprehensive report assesses child well-being in the United States. It tracks the well-being of the nation's children state by state using a comprehensive index. The index includes child-level indicators across four domains: Economic Well-Being, Education, Health, and Family & Community. States are ranked in the four areas which are combined to calculate how states rank overall on child well-being.
- Education Equality Index is the first national comparative measure of the achievement gap between students from low-income families and their more advantaged peers.
- First Book provides access to new books for children in need. To date, First Book has distributed more than 100 million books and educational resources to programs and schools serving children from low-income families throughout the United States and Canada. First Book is transforming the lives of children in need and elevating the quality of education by making new, high-quality books available on an ongoing basis.
- GreatSchools GreatKids State Test Guide Resource for Parents - Use this simple tool to understand your child’s scores and learn how you can help at home. Guía del examen estatal para las familias - Use este sitio para entender los resultados de su hijo y aprender cómo puede ayudarle en casa.
- Head Start Parent and Family Engagement Framework and the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework
- Intercambio Uniting Communities is a non-profit organization whose mission is to build understanding, respect and friendship across cultures through educational and intercultural opportunities.
- Are You Ready? A Family’s Guide to Starting Kindergarten - FIRST 5 Santa Clara County, in collaboration with First 5 San Mateo County, the Heising-Simons Foundation, and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, have created an essential parent handbook to help you prepare your child for a successful launch into the kindergarten adventure! ¿Estás Listo? Guía para familias interesada en preparer a sus niños iniciar kinder.
- MomsRising.org, a national family advocacy organization with tens of thousands of members in California, has launched a community for Spanish speakers: MamásConPoder.org MamásConPoder assists parents in California and across the country to raise their voices to our elected leaders on issues of importance to families like high quality and affordable early education.
- Read Aloud 15 MINUTES is a non-profit organization that is working to make reading aloud every day for at least 15 minutes the new standard in child care.
- ReadyRosie - Ready for school. Ready for the world.
- Strive for 5! - a hands-on program designed to give you instant tools and ideas to promote children’s language development and improve the quality of your early learning environment. We have designed the program so that it is easy to use – everything is in one place, and you’ll have direct access to a great support system to ensure your success.
- Tax Credits Outreach
- Text4baby - Text4baby is the first mobile information service designed to promote maternal and child health through text messaging.
- Too Small to Fail aims to help parents and businesses take meaningful actions to improve the health and well-being of children ages zero to five, so that more of America’s children are prepared to succeed in the 21st century.
- Too Small to Fail Talk, Read, Sing Together, Every Day! - Too Small to Fail worked with the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Education (ED) on a suite of resources that can help enrich children’s early language experiences beginning from birth. There are tip sheets for families, preschool teachers, and infant/toddler teachers and caregivers, as well as a fact sheet that highlights the evidence behind the benefits of being bilingual and embracing children’s home languages.
- The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading The Campaign is a collaborative effort by foundations, nonprofit partners, states and communities across the nation to ensure that more children in low-income families succeed in school and graduate prepared for college, a career, and active citizenship. The Campaign focuses on the most important predictor of school success and high school graduation—grade-level reading by the end of third grade.The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading and the 140+ communities working with the Campaign are dedicated to narrowing the gap between children from low-income families and their more affluent peers. This video shows why that gap occurs and how we can close it. - Statisticks Lottery
- United Parent Leaders Action Network (UPLAN). UPLAN is a parent-led action network of parent leaders and parent leadership initiatives across the nation, coming together to build a powerful voice to influence policies and programs that matter to families and children, especially families with young children.
- Vroom - Vroom is a set of tools and messages that empower parents and caregivers to be brain builders. It elevates what parents and caregivers are already doing right and enables them to make the most out of their time with their children. Vroom consists of a series of over 1,000 brain-building activities that can be accessed in English and Spanish via a FREE Smartphone app called Daily Vroom. The Daily Vroom app is available in the Google Play Store, App Store, and the Amazon Marketplace. Vroom en español.
- The Joan Ganz Cooney Center - How Educators Can Use Technology to Better Connect to Hispanic-Latino Families