Latino Infant Initiative: Supporting the Early Development and Priorities of Latino Families

Download the Policy Agenda


Latino families want to give their children the best possible start in life. In order to support the early and most critical stages of young children’s lives, we are collaborating with UnidosUS on the Latino Infant Initiative to influence and connect national priorities  around improving outcomes for Latino infants (prenatal to three years old) and their families.

This initiative infuses the experiences and voices of Latino families, advocates, and program staff in the policy arena. We are working with our network of partners and affiliates to disseminate relevant research and evidence while advocating for informed policies, campaigns, and investments at the federal, state, and local levels.

Over the last two years, we have listened to the needs and hopes of Latino families with young children in the United States. Through focus groups and National Latino Family Surveys of 1,300 parents and caregivers of young children, we heard mothers, fathers and grandparents talk about their goals to secure a bright future for their children. We found that they prioritize child safety, bilingual development, and quality childcare for early development and education.

Most important factors when considering childcare: Cost Affordability, Quality Good Reputation and skilled caregivers, Hours of operation accommodating parents schedules
Top 3 early education issues parents want the government to address: Child safety, Access to quality child care, Access to quality pre-K

Families also expressed concerns about the present and potential future obstacles that they might face while raising their children. They reported that gun violence, racism, and mental health are among the chief concerns with the future experiences of their children. We also learned that expectant families are struggling financially, they are more likely to report that they are facing food insecurity challenges and falling behind on their car and rent or mortgage payments. 

The priorities voiced directly by Latino families with young children guide our work. The Latino Infant Initiative aims to support policy measures that will ensure that all infants, toddlers, and their families, regardless of background or circumstances, have equitable access to high-quality, culturally- and linguistically-responsive programs and services that support their healthy physical, mental, and social development and learning.

Collectively, we have co-created a policy agenda to provide a roadmap to the system-wide changes that are needed to advance this goal.

The Latino Infant Initiative Policy Agenda outlines the goals and recommended policy actions that UnidosUS and Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors propose in order to support and improve the outcomes of Latino children and infants.

Download the Policy Agenda