Immigration, Know Your Rights

Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors Releases Spanish-language Video to Support Immigrant Parents

We are pleased to announce the release of a video we produced in response to the requests from thousands of parents who find themselves and their children in an environment that is increasingly uncertain for immigrants.

The video demonstrates and provides insight for parents on how to communicate with their young children on topics that are particularly difficult to tackle. It models interactions between parent and child and shows them how to respond, and comfort a child who faces the stress of bullying, and potential family separation. Using the familiar dicho “Better safe than sorry”(“Mas vale prevenir que lamentar”), it also encourages parents to develop a plan that is best for their family and how to provide for the care and well-being of their child in the event of an emergency.

Intangible Productions and Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors developed the video in conjunction with experts on family engagement, early childhood development and immigration policy. The video is available free of charge along with links to information and resources for immigrant parents. There are versions with subtitles in English and Spanish for bilingual and hearing impaired families.

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