6 meses GRATIS de Noggin para familias de AP/OD


¡Comience su aprendizaje del verano inscribiéndose antes del 31 de agosto! El contenido educativo de Noggin para aparatos móviles está cuidadosamente alineado con el marco Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework. El contenido está diseñado por expertos del aprendizaje temprano y del desarrollo infantil. La aplicación tiene cientos de libros digitales para leer en voz alta, juegos, canciones y otros contenidos entretenidos para los niños (facilitados por los personajes infantiles de confianza que los niños conocen y adoran).

Para comenzar la subscripción GRATUITA de 6 meses: 

  1. Llene la forma de abajo para acceder la página para crear su cuenta de Noggin
  2. Cree una cuenta de Noggin
  3. Habra el mensaje de verificación que se le envió al correo electrónico proveído.
  4. Descargue la aplicación Noggin a través de iOS App Store, Google Play Tienda, Amazon App Store y/o Roku.
  5. Habra la aplicación Noggin y oprime “Sign in”
  6. Inicie la sesión con su correo electrónico y contraseña

Si tiene problemas activando la subscripción gratuita, escríbanos a support@noggin.com y con gusto les ayudaremos.

Name (As you want it to appear on your certificate)(Required)

Which of the following best describes you? (check all that apply)(Required)
Organization Address(Required)
Will you be implementing the AP/OD program at this location?(Required)

Is your organization an existing AP/OD 3rd Edition implementing partner?
Main contact for your organization who will oversee the implementation of the program.(Required)
Would you like your training materials to be delivered to your work address? (training materials will be delivered via UPS).(Required)
Shipping Address *if different than work/organization address
Have you previously been certified 2nd Edition Facilitator for Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors? (certification will be verified)(Required)
As part of the 3rd Edition certification, you will receive Administrative Access to the AP/OD Pre & Post Online Survey Portal. Would you like to add another Administrator (Coordinator, Director, Evaluator) to have access to the Online Survey Portal for your organization?(Required)
Size of T-shirt(Required)

Includes 17 hours of online learning with certification over 2 weeks, training materials, evaluation tools, 1 set of the AP/OD loteria and the AP/OD Count With Me Loteria in English and Spanish, and digital access to the 3rd Edition Curriculum in English and Spanish. The printed curriculum kit can be ordered for an additional cost of $1000.00.

Would you like to order a printed curriculum kit?(Required)
Select a payment method to pay for your registration fee:(Required)


The online format presents special technological needs. You will need a computer/laptop with a working microphone and camera (for the Zoom sessions) and reliable Wi-Fi. We require all participants to please have their cameras on during each Zoom session. If you require to have your camera off for longer than 10 minutes, please inform a member of our team in advance. A mobile phone or tablet IS NOT recommended to complete the online homework or to attend the zoom sessions. Please answer the following:

I confirm I will have access to a laptop or computer with a web camera and microphone for the 2-week period of the training.(Required)
I confirm I will have access to reliable wifi/internet service for the 2-week period of the training.(Required)
TRAINING COMMITMENT - I understand that the online training will require a minimum 17hrs of my time throughout the 2-weeks. I understand that in order to receive my certification to implement the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program, it is required I COMPLETE THE ONLINE HOMEWORK AND ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN THE 6 SCHEDULED ZOOM SESSIONS. By checking below I agree to these terms.(Required)
TRAINING COMMITMENT - I agree that if I have any unforeseen circumstances that prevent me from participating in a Zoom meeting, I will notify the AP/OD team at least 24 hours in advance or that if I am unable to complete the 17 hours of the training, I will notify the AP/OD team and I will have 30 days to sign-up for another online institute (if available) to receive certification. By checking below, I agree to these terms.(Required)
TRAINING COMMITMENT - I understand that this is an interactive training and that my full participation, willingness to work in groups/teams, and present with my assigned group is required.(Required)
REFUNDS/CANCELLATIONS: I understand that no refunds will be processed once I am registered for the training. By checking below I agree to these terms.(Required)
Thank you!