[REGISTRATION CLOSED] AP/OD Online Program Acquisition Institute July 22- August 9 | Presented in English

In the AP/OD Online 3rd Edition Program Acquisition Institute, participants will learn how to provide the curriculum directly to parents/families with children 0-5.
• The online training will require a minimum 18hrs of your time throughout the 2-weeks. We ask all participants to plan their work week accordingly.
• The training consists of 6 required live sessions via Zoom with our Master trainer and online homework that you will complete prior to each Zoom session.
• In order to receive your certification for implementing the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program, it is required YOU COMPLETE THE ONLINE HOMEWORK AND ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN THE 6 SCHEDULED ZOOM SESSIONS.
*First day of the training is Monday  07/22,  even though there is no Zoom session on this date - participants should designate at least 2 hours this day to create their online account and complete the online homework to be prepared for the first Zoom session.

Zoom session #1 – Tuesday, 07/23| Time: 9:30 am – 11:05 am Pacific Time (PT)
Zoom session #2 –Thursday, 07/25 | Time: 9:30am – 11:30am PT
Zoom session #3 – Monday, 07/29| Time: 9:30am – 11:35am PT
Zoom session #4 – Tuesday, 07/30| Time: 9:30am -11:35am PT
Zoom session #5 – Thursday, 08/01 | Time: 9:30am – 10:55am PT
Zoom session #6 – Friday, 08/02 | Time: 9:30 am – 11:15 am PT
Post Training Zoom - Friday, 08/09 | Time: 9:30 am – 10:15 am PT


Conexiones Comunitarias: Construyendo alianzas para el éxito del Programa AP/OD

Este taller está diseñado para brindar a las organizaciones las mejores prácticas para implementar el currículo de AP/OD para familias migrantes con niños de 0 a 5 años. Los participantes aprenderán cómo involucrar a las familias, brindar apoyo continuo y evaluar la efectividad del currículo.
PÚBLICO OBJETIVO: Este taller en línea está diseñado para socios implementadores de la 3ª edición, esto puede incluir facilitadores certificados, gerentes de programas y administradores que supervisan el programa AP/OD para su organización/agencia/escuela. 
DURACIÓN - Este taller en línea está diseñado para tener una duración de 45 minutos. 

AP/OD Online Program Acquisition Institute September 9-20 | Presented in English

In the AP/OD Online 3rd Edition Program Acquisition Institute, participants will learn how to provide the curriculum directly to parents/families with children 0-5.
• The online training will require a minimum 18hrs of your time throughout the 2-weeks. We ask all participants to plan their work week accordingly.
• The training consists of 6 required live sessions via Zoom with our Master trainer and online homework that you will complete prior to each Zoom session.
• In order to receive your certification for implementing the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program, it is required YOU COMPLETE THE ONLINE HOMEWORK AND ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN THE 6 SCHEDULED ZOOM SESSIONS.
*First day of the training is Monday  09/09,  even though there is no Zoom session on this date - participants should designate at least 2 hours this day to create their online account and complete the online homework to be prepared for the first Zoom session.

Zoom session #1 – Tuesday, 09/10| Time: 9:30 am – 11:05 am Pacific Time (PT)
Zoom session #2 –Thursday, 09/12| Time: 9:30am – 11:30am PT
Zoom session #3 – Monday, 09/16| Time: 9:30am – 11:35am PT
Zoom session #4 – Tuesday, 09/17| Time: 9:30am -11:35am PT
Zoom session #5 – Thursday, 09/19 | Time: 9:30am – 10:55am PT
Zoom session #6 – Friday, 09/20 | Time: 9:30 am – 11:15 am PT
Post Training Zoom - Friday, 09/27| Time: 9:30 am – 10:15 am PT


VOTE 411

The 2024 election is here, and much is at stake for mothers, infants, toddlers and their advocates. As a nonpartisan, grassroots civic organization born out of the women’s suffrage movement, the League of Women Voters and its 750+ local volunteer chapters across the country are working to inform and empower voters to make their voices heard on the issues they ...